Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I can't stand the waiting and wondering!!!

First and second dates are the most painful of all: Does he like me? Will he call me? When will I see him again? WILL I see him again?

This is where I invite the Goddess in me to join the party: If he SEES me, and connects with my essential gorgeous self, he will be back when he is ready... If he DOES NOT see me and does not recognize those gorgeous aspects of me as aspects he wants to share, it is better for us both that we know that NOW, and not drag it out for a long time. It is important that I trust that the Universe wants me to find my partner and to enjoy my life with the person who is able to see me and acknowledge me!

In the process of dating prospective dates, I've had several "first" meetings -- I wouldn't even call them "dates". These were the coffee meetings, the meeting for a glass of wine, the conversation on the phone, and the emails which provided the sorting-out process.

I have often been able to ascertain with a brief phone conversation that the energy of someone's voice was not something that I found attractive or intriguing. Often after the initial meeting for coffee or a drink, we could both sense that we were just being polite and although we may have found one another to be "a nice person", there was no connection or chemistry.

I think we can all accept these initial experiences with prospective dates as part of the inevitable little disappointments or "oh well" moments which occur as we are seeking that special someone.

However, I think I have now met that special someone. The question is: does he see the same possibilities? Does he see in me the spark that I see in him? That's the painful part of this initial discovery process.

When there is a sweet kiss, then some extended sweet kissing, then some passionate kissing that includes passionate hugging and body parts intertwined in that passionate embrace, I wonder if we both have been experiencing an intermingling of soul connections, as well.

I am breathless right now, anticipating the next step: it is in his court. I have played my hand. I will let you know how it goes...


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